Orthopaedic Department
University of Cape Town
Excellence in Teaching
We are dedicated to providing comprehensive training covering the spectrum of orthopedic trauma and elective surgery. Our main goal is to nurture and cultivate exceptional orthopedic trainees in South Africa. Throughout your clinical rotations, you’ll delve into various specialties including orthopedic trauma surgery, hand surgery, pediatric orthopedic surgery, hip and acetabular surgery, sports orthopedics, arthroplasty, shoulder and elbow surgery, as well as spine surgery.
Our approach is personalized and hands-on. You'll be paired with a subspecialist consultant who will guide and supervise your development of both operative and clinical skills. Daily tutorials and group meetings form the backbone of our academic training, ensuring both collective learning and individual growth.
For our medical students, we've crafted a curriculum focused on immersive experiences. You'll engage in bedside teaching, tutorials, shadowing opportunities, and practical orthopedic skills stations, such as mastering plaster techniques and injection procedures. This program has received strong support from our Health Professions Council and is lauded as an example of quality medical student teaching.
Michael Held 2022